Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Women’s Point of View: Let Freedom Ring

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

How often do we consciously think about all the freedom we have in this country? Sometimes we focus on things that we are not allowed to do in our lives, like being able to quit our jobs, getting the kids educated for free, and, gee, let’s not pay our taxes this year. Those are pesky problems in our lives that we all have to deal with, but actually do not have anything to do with our freedoms. I would love to pay a million dollars in taxes - do you know what kind of income that would mean for me?

Let’s focus on the freedom to live where and how we want live. The freedom to marry who we want and have as many children as we want. The freedom to choose any profession, from collecting empty bottles to being the President of the United States, and then the freedom to pursue that profession. The freedom to wear the clothes we want, visit any place we want, handle our own money and to drive the car we want. (You knew I would be getting around to cars.)

No patting Cars For Keeps on the back in this blog, just a moment of remembrance and appreciation for the men and women who have strived and won the victories for the freedoms that we celebrate this past 4th of July. In appreciation to the men and women who are actively serving in the military, Cars For Keeps offers free oil changes for them and their spouses.

Let Freedom Ring!



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