Thursday, July 15, 2010

by Marjorie, Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager

Drivers are always looking for ways to get better gas mileage, especially when it comes to long-distance travel. Not only does gas-efficient driving cut down on the costs of gas, but it also conserves natural resources and helps to keep pollution down. Every little bit counts!

Whether you're commuting across town or are driving across the country, there are many things drivers can do to help their vehicles get more efficient gas mileage.

Driving more efficiently.

That's right, drivers can do many things to get better gas mileage - without the help of a mechanic! Drivers can improve gas mileage by as much as 10% by observing the following rules:

- Drive sensibly and carefully. Fast acceleration, quick breaking and quick cornering can increase your vehicle's gas consumption by 5% in town and 33% on the freeway. So take it easy, and do your best to work with your vehicle's inertia, rather than fighting it.

- Go the speed limit. Research has shown that fuel efficiency over the speed of 60 miles per hour decreases rapidly. In general, you can estimate your vehicle uses an extra 24 cents per gallon for every 5 miles you go over 60mph.
- Clean out the trunk. Do you really need to carry golf clubs, a tool box and other clutter in your trunk? Those boxes of books you've been meaning to drop off at Goodwill are making your vehicle run inefficiently.
- Avoid idling unnecessarily. If your vehicle will be sitting still for more than 60 seconds, it's most efficient to simply turn the engine off. Remember: idling gets you zero miles per gallon.

Good vehicle maintenance.

It's been said before, but it's true. Keeping your vehicle in great working condition will not only cut down on the cost of serious mechanical problems, but also on gas consumption as well.

- Keep the engine tuned. Tuning an engine that is significantly out of tune can raise gas mileage by 4%, and it will help the engine last longer as well. Fixing more serious problems, such as broken oxygen sensors, can boost gas mileage by 40%.
- Proper tire inflation. Good tire inflation can improve gas efficiency as much as 3.3%. Under-inflated tires waste gas and aren't nearly as safe as properly inflated tires. Aren't sure about your vehicle's proper PSI? We know a few good auto technicians who'd be happy to find out for you.
- Consistently use the right motor oil. All car manufacturers recommend a specific grade of motor oil, and using the wrong grade can lower your gas mileage by 1-2%.
- Replace dirty air filters. Cars need to breathe, just like we do. Air filters are very cheap but essential parts; they protect vehicles' engines from becoming contaminated with dirt and dust, and when they become old and clogged, vehicles struggle to get enough oxygen and end up using more fuel than necessary. Dirty air filters can lower gas mileage anywhere from 2-14%.

Save money on commutes or summer vacations by making sure your vehicle isn't wasting gas. Stop by Cars for Keeps for a free pit stop, and see how we can help you save money on gas.

Safe driving!



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