Saturday, July 31, 2010

by Dennis, Cars for Keeps Customer Service Manager

As much as we dread the end of summer, it's just around the corner, and that means kids will be going back to school. Back to school bring sports, field trips, ect. - let the craziness begin!

With all the events going on during the fall season, August is the time to make sure that mom or dad’s vehicle, (or taxi, as I lovingly call it at that time of year) is up to it new task.

Safety and reliability is the key. From fluid checks to standard maintenance, this is the time to get a head start - leaving one less thing for you to worry about once the frantic back to school rush begins.

Whether Cars for Keeps is your auto service garage or not, I encourage you to take advantage this opportunity of getting the family vehicle maintained before the hussel and bussel of school time.

Why does your family vehicle need to be maintained?

In the heat of summer, vehicle systems work very hard. Systems which take the most strain are the electrical system, cooling system, transmission, air conditioning and all of the fluids. The heat of running during how Michigan summers can make any of these systems weak, and a lack of maintenance can cause them to break down.

In Michigan we mostly think of the cold being the biggest factor, but the heat is
just as bad. So take a few hours in the afternoon to pamper your vehicle with a basic tune up and fluid flush. You - and your hectic schedule - will be glad you did!

So long for now,
Your Friendly neighborhood Service Manager,



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