Tuesday, July 27, 2010

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

I just bought an Evo Android cell phone. Wow! It is a phone, but so much more. It’s a computer that is synchronized to my home computer, a GPS that has made my not-that-old Garmin obsolete, a Kindle reader, a hot-spot device that can hook up my laptop when no Wi-Fi is around, a still camera, a video camera, a voice recorder, an appointment calendar with sound reminders, a weather station, a conference center with live video, an office center, and on, and on. I have only had it for four days and am still finding stuff.

With all that amazing technology in my pocket I sit at my computer station at work and talk on a corded telephone. And guess what? The person I am talking to hears me perfectly and is not bothered with me going through the dreaded “dead zones.” That says a lot about sticking to the basics in some areas of your life.

We live in an exciting technological time in history. We just acquired a new scanner at Cars For Keeps. That sounds kind of mundane but actually it is pretty cool. Every year cars are coming out with more electronics and more sophisticated computers, and car repair facilities have to keep up with the means to diagnose problems. Our mechanics feel more like ‘doctors for cars’ than ever before.

When you think about it, the similarities are close. Diagnose, operate, treat, recover and send on its way all well again. That makes everyone at Cars For Keeps very happy.



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