Monday, July 19, 2010

A Womans Point of View: A Typical Day Heats Up

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

My alarm clock does not ring, or buzz, or play music. It starts off with birds singing and then my very British butler, who lives in my alarm clock, announces the events of the day so far. This morning he informed me that Opray Winfrey would like to luncheon with me today and he took the liberty of only charging her $100,000 for the privilege.

It is hard enough to wake up in the morning, you might as well do it with some silliness and a smile. I was feeling pretty perky until I got to work and walked into a furnace – the air conditioning konked out over the weekend and it had to be 100 degrees in there. Oh, Joy! I do not do well in muggy heat. It only took me five minutes to discover the computer that I work at was the only dead air space in the whole building. The temperature was already well on its way to over the 90 degree mark outside. It felt cooler outside. We were all in that fragile moment of deciding if we were going to give in to this and be grouchy or are we going to make the best of this bad situation.

Then I began to notice something. The customers sitting in our sweltering lounge sporting the most wonderful sheen, were taking it all in stride. We would apologize for the uncomfortable warmth and they all smiled and assured us that, “Hey, life happens.” Because of these wonderful people and their positive attitudes, we adapted.

We slowed down our usual frantic pace, took the time to hand out cold drinks, made sure we were all drinking plenty of water. In other words, everyone looked after each other. We even treated ourselves to some old-fashioned malted milks.

Good things happen at Cars For Keeps even when it starts out looking bad.



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