Wednesday, November 25, 2009

by Marjorie Steele, Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager

In lieu of today being Thanksgiving Eve, I thought we'd take a break from car-talk and dispense a little relevant kitchen advice for a change. Cooking and baking are hobbies of mine, and in my spare time I run a foodie/recipe blog over at Caramel Onion ( Today I'll give you my traditional Thanksgiving turkey stuffing recipe - for those of you adventurous enough to stuff your own bird. If you don't feel up to stuffing your turkey, or if you are cooking a ham or vegetarian dish in place of fowl, this recipe can easily be cooked in a crock pot as well.

Makes stuffing for 1 20-25lb turkey, or one large crock pot.

3 medium-sized loaves of bread, cubed and dried
(It's best if you use several different types of bread, preferably artisan. My favorite combination is crusty sour dough, chewy multigrain and honey whole wheat. The bread needs to be completely dry; if you're short on time, place cubed bread in a broad pan and dry in the oven at 150 degrees.)
3 cups chicken (or veggie) broth
1 Tblsp. salt
3 tsp. black pepper
1 head garlic, roasted or diced
1/4 cup sage, finely chopped
1/4 cup rosemary, finely chopped
1/4 cup thyme, finely chopped
2 cups portabello or baby bella mushrooms, fresh and sliced
1 package fresh cranberries (optional)
Giblets, finely chopped (optional)

Warm broth and dissolve black pepper and salt. Meanwhile, mix garlic, herbs, mushrooms, giblets and cranberries together, then toss in with dried bread crumbs in a large bow. Pour broth over all ingredients slowly, until bread is moist but NOT wet. Stuff the mixture into turkey (be careful not to pack too tightly) or place in a small turkey bag and cook in a crock pot on high 4 hours.

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Happy Thanksgiving!



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