Friday, November 13, 2009

by Marjorie, Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager

The waiting room here at the shop is not your average auto garage waiting room. Most repair shops disregard this aspect of business - after all, what does a cleanly waiting room have to do with fixing your car? Many repair shops I've been don't even have a waiting area - just a little grungy corner for you to stand clutching your wallet while you wait.

Cars for Keeps Owner Rob Hopp has a different philosophy on auto repair service, emphasizing the service aspect and recognizing that the car and the customer are a package deal. Sure, the quality of the repair is most important, but where is it written that quality repairs have to come from cramped, dirty facilities?

Cars for Keeps goes out of its way to provide not only the best repair service in town, but the best customer service as well. That means a comfortable waiting area for moms, kids, professionals and anyone else who drops by. I happened to drop by the shop last week and was again impressed with the reception area's cleanliness and commodities. Here are a few pictures I snapped of some of the facility's highlights. You can tell Rob takes pride in his shop - and his customers.

Coffee, tea or...Pepsi? The only things here that require change are the two gumball machines in the corner - which we think parents won't mind at all.

Yes, you're looking at a flat screen TV, comfy chairs and a squeaky clean floor. Catch up on the news, or a snooze while waiting for an oil change - your preference.

Kid's play area is conveniently adjacent to the adult play area. To clarify, those magazines are current within the last few months, not culled from decade old boxes.

The high speed internet-equipped computer is over in the corner to the left. Brought your own? Take advantage of the facility's free Wi-Fi.

Here's the crew crunching numbers behind the desk. This is where you can find Customer Service Manager Dennis' smiling face.

If you've been putting off routine maintenance because going to the shop is too inconvenient, try Cars for Keeps' accommodating facility. Catch up on work, play with your kids, surf the net or get caffeinated; we promise you won't have to stand in a corner while you wait.



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