Monday, November 9, 2009

by Marjorie, Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager

If you've lived in Michigan your entire life, like me, you understand how easy it is to become helpless to the winter elements. If you're new to the area, then you're in for a treat; Michigan's legendary lake effect snow is beautiful, unpredictable and an absolute horror for unprepared winter travelers. While there's not much we can do about keeping our cars from being buried in snow drifts or coated in ice every morning, we can do something about making sure our cars remain on the road - once we've managed to get there.

Here are a few basic facts you should know about snow tires. Check out the YouTube video at the end of this post if you don't believe tread really makes a difference. Which car will you be?

Aren't all-weather tires good enough for winter?
No. Again, I refer you to the video in this post for proof. All-weather tires are designed for dry and wet conditions in warm weather, but they're in no way prepared to give tread on black ice, packed snow and sandy slush. Snow tires are specially made with softer rubber and carefully placed grooves which quickly wear down on dry pavement - which is why you should never leave your snow tires on past spring...unless you like buying new snow tires every year.

When should I put on my snow tires?
Well, how brave are you? If you're a daredevil like me, you may intentionally wait until after the first snowfall just to test your ice-racing skills. For the rest of you, who value your and your family's safety above thrill, it's best to have snow tires put on before the first snowfall, which, in Michigan, could be anytime between October 15th and December 30th. Typically, having snow tires put on a few weeks before Thanksgiving is plenty early enough, and it ensures safe holiday travel.

Should I get studded tires?
This question is best directed to your tire dealer or auto repair shop (I'm sure Dennis has a strong opinion), but there aren't very many situations where studded tires help you more than regular snow tires - in some environments, studded tires can actually give you less traction. Studs are only good for packed snow and ice, and they will hinder traction in thick snow, slush and dry pavement. So unless you're commuting across the tundra in Alaska, sticking to unstudded snow tires is a safe bet.

Should I get two snow tires or four?
Tire dealers and some mechanics have a strong opinion on this question, too. But for those of us who would prefer not to spend an extra $250 on two superfluous snow tires, here are the bare facts: front wheel drive cars should at least have both front wheels equipped with snow tires, and likewise, rear wheel drive cars should at least have snow tires on both rear wheels. All wheel drive automobiles, of course, should have four snow tires. It's true that having snow tires on all four wheels, even on front and rear wheel drive cars, provides ideal traction, but having only powered wheels fitted with snow tires will still provide far more traction than regular summer or all-weather tires.

For rear wheel drive owners, remember to throw some weight in the back. Keeping your summer tires or some bricks in the trunk - or bed - will give you an extra boost in traction.

Safe driving!

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