Monday, November 16, 2009

3 Ways to Prevent Winter Driving Emergnecies

by Robert, Cars for Keeps Mechanic

Winter time is coming sooner than you may think. That means salty slushy roads, ice on the windshield and brrrrrr…freezing temps. What can you do to ensure a safe and reliable vehicle during these harsh wintry months?

Have your vehicle inspected by a licensed mechanic. Quick lube places do not count. Although they are able to check basic things like your fluids and battery, they are not able to check more important things such as your suspension components and reliability items. Also, those techs are NOT required to be state or ASE certified to work on vehicles. So you may not get an adequately qualified tech working on your vehicle.

Maintain your tires. The tires are the ONLY thing between you and the road. Are your tires worn to the wear bars? Not only is it unsafe for you but could also be unsafe for other drivers on the road. Maintaining air pressure also ensures that your tires are working as they were designed. Speaking of tires, do you have a set of dedicated winter tires? If not you should consider it. The difference between an all-season year round tire and a tire used only for the snowy season is like night and day. For those of you who may not have the extra funds to do this, you may want to consider saving extra cash so in the future this becomes available to you.

Carry emergency items in your trunk. A flashlight (with working batteries please), blanket, fresh water, snacks, a cell phone, road hazard beacons such as flares or the reflective triangles and also make sure your factory equipped spare tire and jack are in place. Kitty litter not only provides extra weight but can also help provide traction if your ever stuck in a snow bank. If you have a small snow shovel that will also help dig your way out of a sticky situation.

Hopefully this season will be safe and accident free, but with a little planning you can make sure that if it does turn sour you are prepared. Like a wise man once told me in boy scouts once: it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Until next time!

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