Friday, October 30, 2009

Car Personification: True Love

by Colette, Office Manager for Cars for Keeps

The Macho Machine is big, dark and dangerous looking. Exactly what attracts the female heart. He radiates so much power that he vibrates even when standing still. He hones his masculine skills by exercising his Hemi regularly. (Does anyone out there know what a Hemi* is exactly?) His chrome body armor shines to perfection, there are no dents in his big, beautiful body and every piece of his machinery works perfectly. He is the epitome of automobile perfection. He first sees the silver Driveway Diva when she drives - no, glides - into the driveway next to him looking like a drop of Mercury. She smells of expensive, new soft leather, she hums soft, low and throaty, and has the most flirty headlamps he has ever seen. She is small, compact and runs like a well oiled machine, the epitome of automobile perfection. One look from each of them, and they fall in love. (If cars could reproduce, can you imagine what their offspring would look like?)

OK, so we all know that a lot of women like to humanize their things. Well, so do a lot of men. They call their boats “she” and give them mermaid names. Right? Anyway, we have these two wonderful cars that want a long future together. Just like people, they want to stay healthy by keeping their fluids flushed and clean, their brakes reaction time on target, all their internal parts working together smoothly with clean oil, their transmission working with precision, and all their sensors alert. Keeping our cars performing well takes regular care and awareness of their needs. I predict this love affair will have a long and happy life.

*A Hemi is a type of engine. (Although all I remember are the human ‘hunks’ they used in the commercials.)

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Thursday, October 29, 2009 U.S. carmakers get serious about building first-class compact cars, one of the most enthusiastically awaited entries is the 2011 Chevrolet Cruze, which will face off against a entirely new 2012 Ford Focus as well as revised models of the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic as well as Nissan Sentra.

At present reports say that Gen
eral Motors will push back the Cruze introduction by three months, from next spring or summer into the third quarter of 2010, to make sure a perfect launch.

The upside is that the extra time will permit all models of the Cruze--presumably meaning different trim levels--to be built prior to the car goes on sale.

The Cruze has received excellent reviews in Europe and Asia, where it is already on sale and it will be built for the U.S. market in GM's Lordstown, Ohio, plant.

Possibly the extra time is good, because the U.S. taxpayers who bailed out GM can only expect the 2011 Cruze does better than the first compact Chevrolet built there: the disreputably unreliable Chevrolet Vega.

The Cruze is powered by a turbocharged along with direct-injected 1.4-liter engine that will offer fuel efficiency as high as 40 miles per gallon, with the equal power as the 2.4-liter engine in today’s 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt and the Cobalt will remain in production until the launching of Cruze. U.S. carmakers get serious about building first-class compact cars, one of the most enthusiastically awaited entries is the 2011 Chevrolet Cruze, which will face off against a entirely new 2012 Ford Focus as well as revised models of the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic as well as Nissan Sentra.

At present reports say that Gen
eral Motors will push back the Cruze introduction by three months, from next spring or summer into the third quarter of 2010, to make sure a perfect launch.

The upside is that the extra time will permit all models of the Cruze--presumably meaning different trim levels--to be built prior to the car goes on sale.

The Cruze has received excellent reviews in Europe and Asia, where it is already on sale and it will be built for the U.S. market in GM's Lordstown, Ohio, plant.

Possibly the extra time is good, because the U.S. taxpayers who bailed out GM can only expect the 2011 Cruze does better than the first compact Chevrolet built there: the disreputably unreliable Chevrolet Vega.

The Cruze is powered by a turbocharged along with direct-injected 1.4-liter engine that will offer fuel efficiency as high as 40 miles per gallon, with the equal power as the 2.4-liter engine in today’s 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt and the Cobalt will remain in production until the launching of Cruze.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Driverless car parks by itself

If you are a person who would cheerfully hand over the task of parking your car to a computer, there might be a Volkswagen in your future.

Past weekend, Volkswagen Group of America as well as Stanford University's School of Engineering hosted a dedication ceremony on the Stanford campus for the new Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Laboratory (VAIL) that integrated the "first ever" self-directed parking demonstration by a driverless car.

The car, a VW Passat called Junior, was developed together by VW and Stanford and is the similar one that finished second in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. Driverless cars have come a long way since the first DARPA race in the year 2004, when not one competitor made it over the finish line, much less parallel-parked itself.

VW donated $5.75 million for the latest laboratory, which it called "the next step in the evolution of the two organizations' commitment to drive modernization in automotive development."

"When the new building opens early next year, Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Laboratory (VAIL) will offer a home on campus for faculty along with students from around the university to work up advanced automotive research," alleged Jim Plummer, dean of the Stanford School of Engineering.

The company furthermore unveiled the Pike's Peak Audi TT-S, the most recent iteration of driverless vehicles developed all the way through the VW-Stanford partnership.

Driverless car parks by itself

If you are a person who would cheerfully hand over the task of parking your car to a computer, there might be a Volkswagen in your future.

Past weekend, Volkswagen Group of America as well as Stanford University's School of Engineering hosted a dedication ceremony on the Stanford campus for the new Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Laboratory (VAIL) that integrated the "first ever" self-directed parking demonstration by a driverless car.

The car, a VW Passat called Junior, was developed together by VW and Stanford and is the similar one that finished second in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. Driverless cars have come a long way since the first DARPA race in the year 2004, when not one competitor made it over the finish line, much less parallel-parked itself.

VW donated $5.75 million for the latest laboratory, which it called "the next step in the evolution of the two organizations' commitment to drive modernization in automotive development."

"When the new building opens early next year, Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Laboratory (VAIL) will offer a home on campus for faculty along with students from around the university to work up advanced automotive research," alleged Jim Plummer, dean of the Stanford School of Engineering.

The company furthermore unveiled the Pike's Peak Audi TT-S, the most recent iteration of driverless vehicles developed all the way through the VW-Stanford partnership.

by Rob Hopp, Cars for Keeps Owner

Cars are complicated, but it’s not rocket science. We just happen to know cars really well.

One of the best questions you can ask is “why?” If you aren’t working with a salesperson who can make it understandable, perhaps you are working with the wrong one. If the representative acts like they just want to show you how smart they are, watch for other red flags.

Early in my career, I worked under a salesman that was very car smart but had the ethics of an ambulance chaser. The tipping point was when he took advantage of a woman who said she couldn’t afford a procedure that would not cause a reliability problem or danger, especially short term. He advised, in his puffed up “all knowing” manner, that she shouldn’t drive over 35 miles an hour until she got it taken care of.

She came in the next Monday to have it done, exclaiming that “It took so long to drive to Cadillac at 35 & lots of other drivers were rude to me”.

Most consumers are pretty good at listening to their gut feelings. But when people feel put on the spot concerning a car repair, they can be very susceptible to manipulation. So ask the old reporter's questions: Who, What, Where When & Why? If you feel like the salesperson is evading or spinning the answer, push them a bit. Don’t be afraid to insist on having it explained - and, if necessary, to walk away (hopefully drive away, beware when a shop dares to hold your car hostage).

Here are some common questions that you might feel are “dumb” to ask, but they're actually very smart. It IS your money we're talking about, after all.

1) What happens if I don’t do this service? Good answer: “If this part fails, the wheel could separate from the car without warning.” Lousy answer: “The wheel WILL fall off and cause a crash.”

2) Why does it need to have that done? Good answer: “It is worn beyond the safe point”, or “It will help the ____ last longer and save you money in the long run.” Lousy answer: “Because the Mechanic said so”, or “It’ll cost you a lot more if you don’t.”

3) If I go ahead with your recommendation, what are the potential surprises? Is this estimate solid? The answer should avoid scare tactics, yet an honest salesperson will explain any potential pitfalls, their and their mechanics' opinion of the odds. They should also guarantee NOT to exceed the estimate without contacting you to discuss the findings, options and cost of the change.

4) I only plan to keep this car for another year. Is there any way to save some money on this service? Most of the time less expensive/lower quality parts can be had. A good salesperson will work with you to control costs without compromising too much quality or safety.

Happy Motoring!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The world's cheapest car, the Tata Nano, is in fire in India as reports emerge of some of the models bursting into flames in recent times due to alleged circuit problems.

Three fires have been reported suddenly occurring in the steering columns of Nanos in India, where 7,500 motor vehicles have been delivered since July.

No injuries have been reported but one customer has refused to allow Tata to inspect the car and instead filed a police report, as per the US financial newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

Tata announced October 26 that they will carry out a pre-delivery audit of all new cars and will observe cars already in customer use, but have avoided the dreaded "recall" word thus far. The Indian automaker blamed the crisis on a short circuit in the switch that controls the headlights, windshield wipers along with the dashboard indicators.

The little Nano is called "The People's Car" due to its historically little price of around Rs 115,000 (€1,700). The car has already received an overwhelming 200,000 pre-orders in India and has revolutionized the way the globe looks at low-priced automobiles.

Almost 100,000 Nanos are likely to be sold nationally in 2010, with export plans in place for Nigeria in 2010 and for Europe in 2011, provided it passes safety testing. In this July, Tata announced its intentions to put up for sale the Nano in Latin America, through Italy's Fiat group, which has a tough presence there.

The world's cheapest car, the Tata Nano, is in fire in India as reports emerge of some of the models bursting into flames in recent times due to alleged circuit problems.

Three fires have been reported suddenly occurring in the steering columns of Nanos in India, where 7,500 motor vehicles have been delivered since July.

No injuries have been reported but one customer has refused to allow Tata to inspect the car and instead filed a police report, as per the US financial newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

Tata announced October 26 that they will carry out a pre-delivery audit of all new cars and will observe cars already in customer use, but have avoided the dreaded "recall" word thus far. The Indian automaker blamed the crisis on a short circuit in the switch that controls the headlights, windshield wipers along with the dashboard indicators.

The little Nano is called "The People's Car" due to its historically little price of around Rs 115,000 (€1,700). The car has already received an overwhelming 200,000 pre-orders in India and has revolutionized the way the globe looks at low-priced automobiles.

Almost 100,000 Nanos are likely to be sold nationally in 2010, with export plans in place for Nigeria in 2010 and for Europe in 2011, provided it passes safety testing. In this July, Tata announced its intentions to put up for sale the Nano in Latin America, through Italy's Fiat group, which has a tough presence there.

Monday, October 26, 2009


TOKYO – Imagine a car that can be refueled in minutes but emits just water. Sounds like science fiction? Actually it already exists -- Hollywood star Jamie Lee Curtis has one of this car. So does Honda president Takanobu Ito.

Yet while a few see them as the ultimate environmentally-friendly automobiles, the high production cost means that reasonably priced hydrogen-powered fuel-cell cars are still more of a dream than veracity.

Car manufacturers such as Honda, however, are making a renewed push behind the vehicles, which run on electricity generated as a result of a reaction among hydrogen and oxygen, belching out nothing more damaging than water vapor.

"We believe that the fuel-cell electric motor vehicle will be the ultimate form for automobiles in the future," Takanobu Ito added at the Tokyo Motor Show which opened Wednesday.

"It has advantages such as zero CO2 emissions in use and it can travel considerable distances without refueling and it can be quickly refueled," he added.

Honda previous year began delivering about 200 FCX Clarity hydrogen-powered cars on lease to US and Japanese customers, including some Hollywood celebrities.

Other automakers also spent more money on the technology, invented in the 19th century by the scientist William Robert Grove from Welsh.

Toyota, pioneer of hybrids powered by a petrol engine also by an electric motor, has said it plans to launch a fuel-cell car by the year 2015. It is applying its hybrid technology to the vehicles, swapping the petrol engine in favor of a fuel-cell stack.

"We cannot concentrate on just one technology," said Takeshi Uchiyamada, the chief engineer of the first-generation Prius hybrid.

Toyota president Akio Toyoda says he expects that sooner or later electric cars will be used for small distances and fuel-cell hybrids for long journeys.

Nissan as well as Mazda have developed their own fuel-cell vehicles and leased them to governments and corporate clients, whereas Suzuki Motor is showcasing a car, a wheelchair and scooter -- all motorized by fuel cells -- at the Tokyo Motor Show.

The very big challenge for manufacturers is to trim down the production cost of hydrogen-powered vehicles -- presently several hundred thousand dollars each.

"There is a feeling that by 2050 fuel cells will ultimately beat electric cars," alleged Ashvin Chotai, managing director of Intelligence Automotive Asia.

"In plenty of countries wherever electricity is generated with fossil fuels electric cars are still not a perfect solution, especially in places like China and India where a large number of the energy is produced with dirty coal," he said.

The primary goal of carmakers is for hydrogen for cars to be produced by electrolyzing water by means of renewable energy such as solar power.

Fuel cells have long been seen as an eco-friendly substitute to petrol, but for the moment the majority automakers are focusing their attention on hybrids and plug-in electric cars.

Supporters, on the other hand, see hydrogen-powered cars as the natural next step because they also make use of electricity but can be refueled more quickly than plug-in cars and can travel further sooner than the power runs out.

A few industry experts see a day when compact electric cars are used for short distances and fuel cells for bigger vehicles such as trucks, because hydrogen tanks need a lot of space.

In addition to the high cost, the lack of filling stations and the size as well as weight of the fuel-cell vehicles and present hurdles.

Previous month, Toyota, Honda, Renault-Nissan, Ford, Hyundai, General Motors, Daimler and Kia issued a joint plea for an adequate hydrogen infrastructure network to be built by 2015, from when they believe "a few hundred thousand" of the cars might be commercialized worldwide.

The cause got a very important boost last week when the US Congress approved 187 million dollars in funding for research into fuel cells, seen by followers as the ultimate zero-emission solution.

"There is no way around it. A fuel-cell car gives you power, distance... It gives you short refueling time," alleged George Hansen, GM's head of fuel-cell commercialization in the Asia-Pacific.

"The technology is there and ready to be used. At present it depends on whether governments are willing to get underway the infrastructure, and whether volume production will bring costs down," George Hansen added.


TOKYO – Imagine a car that can be refueled in minutes but emits just water. Sounds like science fiction? Actually it already exists -- Hollywood star Jamie Lee Curtis has one of this car. So does Honda president Takanobu Ito.

Yet while a few see them as the ultimate environmentally-friendly automobiles, the high production cost means that reasonably priced hydrogen-powered fuel-cell cars are still more of a dream than veracity.

Car manufacturers such as Honda, however, are making a renewed push behind the vehicles, which run on electricity generated as a result of a reaction among hydrogen and oxygen, belching out nothing more damaging than water vapor.

"We believe that the fuel-cell electric motor vehicle will be the ultimate form for automobiles in the future," Takanobu Ito added at the Tokyo Motor Show which opened Wednesday.

"It has advantages such as zero CO2 emissions in use and it can travel considerable distances without refueling and it can be quickly refueled," he added.

Honda previous year began delivering about 200 FCX Clarity hydrogen-powered cars on lease to US and Japanese customers, including some Hollywood celebrities.

Other automakers also spent more money on the technology, invented in the 19th century by the scientist William Robert Grove from Welsh.

Toyota, pioneer of hybrids powered by a petrol engine also by an electric motor, has said it plans to launch a fuel-cell car by the year 2015. It is applying its hybrid technology to the vehicles, swapping the petrol engine in favor of a fuel-cell stack.

"We cannot concentrate on just one technology," said Takeshi Uchiyamada, the chief engineer of the first-generation Prius hybrid.

Toyota president Akio Toyoda says he expects that sooner or later electric cars will be used for small distances and fuel-cell hybrids for long journeys.

Nissan as well as Mazda have developed their own fuel-cell vehicles and leased them to governments and corporate clients, whereas Suzuki Motor is showcasing a car, a wheelchair and scooter -- all motorized by fuel cells -- at the Tokyo Motor Show.

The very big challenge for manufacturers is to trim down the production cost of hydrogen-powered vehicles -- presently several hundred thousand dollars each.

"There is a feeling that by 2050 fuel cells will ultimately beat electric cars," alleged Ashvin Chotai, managing director of Intelligence Automotive Asia.

"In plenty of countries wherever electricity is generated with fossil fuels electric cars are still not a perfect solution, especially in places like China and India where a large number of the energy is produced with dirty coal," he said.

The primary goal of carmakers is for hydrogen for cars to be produced by electrolyzing water by means of renewable energy such as solar power.

Fuel cells have long been seen as an eco-friendly substitute to petrol, but for the moment the majority automakers are focusing their attention on hybrids and plug-in electric cars.

Supporters, on the other hand, see hydrogen-powered cars as the natural next step because they also make use of electricity but can be refueled more quickly than plug-in cars and can travel further sooner than the power runs out.

A few industry experts see a day when compact electric cars are used for short distances and fuel cells for bigger vehicles such as trucks, because hydrogen tanks need a lot of space.

In addition to the high cost, the lack of filling stations and the size as well as weight of the fuel-cell vehicles and present hurdles.

Previous month, Toyota, Honda, Renault-Nissan, Ford, Hyundai, General Motors, Daimler and Kia issued a joint plea for an adequate hydrogen infrastructure network to be built by 2015, from when they believe "a few hundred thousand" of the cars might be commercialized worldwide.

The cause got a very important boost last week when the US Congress approved 187 million dollars in funding for research into fuel cells, seen by followers as the ultimate zero-emission solution.

"There is no way around it. A fuel-cell car gives you power, distance... It gives you short refueling time," alleged George Hansen, GM's head of fuel-cell commercialization in the Asia-Pacific.

"The technology is there and ready to be used. At present it depends on whether governments are willing to get underway the infrastructure, and whether volume production will bring costs down," George Hansen added.

by Marjorie, Social Media Manager for Cars for Keeps

We've all heard that having your tires rotated regularly is important. But why? And what exactly does a tire rotation entail?

On the spectrum of crucial maintenance, tire rotation ranks slightly below oil changes, but it's still an important part of saving much larger maintenance costs down the road. In this case, the money you'll be saving down the road will be the expense of a set of new tires twice as often as necessary.

Front tires will wear twice as fast if left unrotated as they will with regular rotations. This happens to front tires in particular because front tires are responsible for turning, and each turn causes extra friction between the road and the tire. This friction doubles the wear, causing front tires to lose traction much faster than rear tires.

Moving rear tires to the back and back tires to the front not only balances out the wear caused by front wheel turning, but it balances uneven tread on all the other tires as well. Rear tires that are more worn on the outside than the inside can be rearranged so the worn sections receive less wear. Rotating tires extends the life of all four tires, and it can also prevent - or reduce problems caused by - misalignment.

Good tire rotation looks something like this:

When to rotate your tires. The experts' advice varies, but it's generally consented that rotating tires on every other oil change does the trick. Of course, if you wait 10,000 miles to change your oil, you might want to make that every oil change - or get your oil changed more often. Depending on the amount of wear your vehicle gets, having tires rotated every 4,000 miles or so should keep them wearing evenly for a long time.

Should you decide it's time for a tire rotation, be sure to check out's coupon page. Among this month's coupons is a complete maintenance package including a AAA inspection, oil and filter change and tire inspections and rotations for only $28.

Come in and see the waiting room Colette has been raving about.

Safe driving!

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Honda U3-X Electric Unicycle

Toyota isn't the only Japanese automaker to amaze us with some funky forms of personal transportation. Honda unwrapped its U3-X transporter prior to the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show, which can best be described as a motorized unicycle.

A key component to the U3-X is Honda's Omni Traction (HOT) drive technology. The large wheel you see at the bottom of the cycle is actually made of multiple wheels of varying diameter. The larger wheels allow the U3-X to move fore and aft. Simultaneously rotating the smaller wheels allows the U3-X to steer. Like a Segway, the unicycle is self-balancing; Honda engineers developed the system based upon technologies developed for the company's ASIMO robot program.

Although the U3-X seems to be meant for indoor use only, it weighs only 20 pounds and folds into a portable shape for transit. Power comes from a lithium-ion battery pack which, when fully charged, offers approximately an hour's worth of use.

We're not exactly sure whom Honda is targeting with this contraption (the company says it's "pursuing the concept of harmony with people"), but it will showcase the U3-X at the 2009 Tokyo motor show.

If you'd like to see Honda's U3-X in action, click here to check out a short video demonstration.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

auto transports

A newfound New York company plans to complete financing this year for a plant to manufacture electric cars and initiate rolling out the three-door, plug-in hatchbacks in late 2010 said by the company chief executive on Friday.

Paul Wimer, CEO of Bannon Automotive said at a news conference that Syracuse was selected over sites in Kentucky, Michigan and somewhere else because of its closeness to key markets and the "dogged pursuit" of the Freeport-based startup with local, state and federal officials.

Gov. David Paterson says that New York State is provide $6.76 million package of grants and tax incentives to Bannon, and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer says that he is trying to help Bannon to obtain $52 million in federal loans and loan guarantees.

Bannon will pay out $26.5 million for the plant.

The company has guaranteed an exclusive North American licensing deal with Reva Electric Car Co. of Bangalore, India, to assemble the NXR. Reva cars are currently sold across Asia and Europe.

Wimer said Bannon is finalizing selection of the plant site moreover the company is working to complete its financing by the end of 2009 and it hopes to begin producing cars by the end of the third quarter of 2010, he said.

The company will initially take up 100 workers, but expects to have 250 workers within three years. Wimer added that the plant will produce 15,000 to 20,000 cars a year.

If the company fails to produce the jobs it has promised, if this happens then the company has to pay back the money the state invests, plus interest, officials said.

The company will market no less than two versions of the NXR that will come with a range of options, including navigational and audio systems and climate control.

One model will operate on a lithium-ion-battery and it will reach a maximum speed of 65 mph with a range of 100 miles on a single household charge the cost of this electric car will be around $20,000 to $25000.Then we have the second city model which has the top speed of 50 mph, with a 50-mile range just by one charge of its cheaper lead-acid batteries and this vehicle will cost around $17000.

The company said it also elected central New York because of its physically powerful labor force, history of manufacturing, ties to universities along with commitment towards green technology. Syracuse is home to the state's Center for Excellence in Environmental as well as Energy Systems.

auto transports

A newfound New York company plans to complete financing this year for a plant to manufacture electric cars and initiate rolling out the three-door, plug-in hatchbacks in late 2010 said by the company chief executive on Friday.

Paul Wimer, CEO of Bannon Automotive said at a news conference that Syracuse was selected over sites in Kentucky, Michigan and somewhere else because of its closeness to key markets and the "dogged pursuit" of the Freeport-based startup with local, state and federal officials.

Gov. David Paterson says that New York State is provide $6.76 million package of grants and tax incentives to Bannon, and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer says that he is trying to help Bannon to obtain $52 million in federal loans and loan guarantees.

Bannon will pay out $26.5 million for the plant.

The company has guaranteed an exclusive North American licensing deal with Reva Electric Car Co. of Bangalore, India, to assemble the NXR. Reva cars are currently sold across Asia and Europe.

Wimer said Bannon is finalizing selection of the plant site moreover the company is working to complete its financing by the end of 2009 and it hopes to begin producing cars by the end of the third quarter of 2010, he said.

The company will initially take up 100 workers, but expects to have 250 workers within three years. Wimer added that the plant will produce 15,000 to 20,000 cars a year.

If the company fails to produce the jobs it has promised, if this happens then the company has to pay back the money the state invests, plus interest, officials said.

The company will market no less than two versions of the NXR that will come with a range of options, including navigational and audio systems and climate control.

One model will operate on a lithium-ion-battery and it will reach a maximum speed of 65 mph with a range of 100 miles on a single household charge the cost of this electric car will be around $20,000 to $25000.Then we have the second city model which has the top speed of 50 mph, with a 50-mile range just by one charge of its cheaper lead-acid batteries and this vehicle will cost around $17000.

The company said it also elected central New York because of its physically powerful labor force, history of manufacturing, ties to universities along with commitment towards green technology. Syracuse is home to the state's Center for Excellence in Environmental as well as Energy Systems.

Friday, October 23, 2009

LONDON - CAR production in Britain drop by its smallest amount in a year last month, industry data showed on Friday, highlighting victory of the government's old-for-new scheme.

A sum of 119,616 cars were manufactured in Britain during September, a 16-percent fall out on the figure a year prior, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) added in a statement.

That compared with a 31.5 per cent fall in August, demonstrating the success of the scheme which gives buyers who trade in old cars 2,000 pounds (S$4,569) to a new vehicle.

Business Secretary Peter Mandelson added last month the initiative, which was introduced in May and was primitively due to end in February, would be extended.

Car production for the year until now - at nearly 695,000 units - is down 41.2 per cent compared with the January to September 2008 period.

Paul Everitt, the chief executive of Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders SMMT said: 'The rate of decline in new car production slow down to its lowest level in a year with the volume of vehicles being produced for the UK market relatively high. Demand is obviously being underpinned by the scrappage incentive scheme and the extension to the scheme will make sure that demand continues into 2010'.

LONDON - CAR production in Britain drop by its smallest amount in a year last month, industry data showed on Friday, highlighting victory of the government's old-for-new scheme.

A sum of 119,616 cars were manufactured in Britain during September, a 16-percent fall out on the figure a year prior, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) added in a statement.

That compared with a 31.5 per cent fall in August, demonstrating the success of the scheme which gives buyers who trade in old cars 2,000 pounds (S$4,569) to a new vehicle.

Business Secretary Peter Mandelson added last month the initiative, which was introduced in May and was primitively due to end in February, would be extended.

Car production for the year until now - at nearly 695,000 units - is down 41.2 per cent compared with the January to September 2008 period.

Paul Everitt, the chief executive of Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders SMMT said: 'The rate of decline in new car production slow down to its lowest level in a year with the volume of vehicles being produced for the UK market relatively high. Demand is obviously being underpinned by the scrappage incentive scheme and the extension to the scheme will make sure that demand continues into 2010'.

by Colette Cooley, Office Manager for Cars For Keeps

Car maintenance in a Perfect World would mean that our cars would need no maintenance to run perfectly at all times until we decide that we want a different car. Or a different color car. Or a different looking car. You know, like a pair of shoes.

Unfortunately, cars do need maintenance and they need it regularly. On a women's list of favorite things to do, this falls somewhere just above going to the dentist and cleaning the toilet. The oil needs to be changed. The fluids need to be checked. The brakes need to be looked at for wear. The oil filter needs to be changed. The air pressure in the tires need to be checked. The freon in the air conditioner needs to be checked. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Since we would rather clean spiders out of the garage then do these things ourselves, here are a few tips to make this regular chore a little more pleasant.

First, find a car repair facility that is woman friendly. Like Cars For Keeps. A pleasant waiting area with coffee, tea, and soft drinks, internet to check your email, soft music, television with CD's to play, and most important of all - a clean restroom with a baby changing station. Coloring books and readers for kids, a service manager who thinks women are intelligent and shuttle service if you don't want to wait.

Second, if you are waiting, you can catch up on your reading, do business using our wireless internet, copy recipes out of our up-to-date magazines, return those phone calls that are stacking up, or if you have had a particularly stressful day, we will give you some crayons so you can color. Don't laugh, we have several adults who find this very therapeutic. In other words, come on in, relax, have a few laughs while you're attending to car maintenance in an imperfect world.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009


Toyota became the massive hit of the Tokyo Motor Show yesterday with the debut of its $375,000 Lexus LFA supercar. The 747 freighter that will carry it to America is already warming up its engines.

Toyota plans to demonstrate the car at the SEMA aftermarket parts show in Las Vegas next month -- Drive On will also be there to bring you the blow-by-blow -- and the Los Angeles Auto Show in December. Whew! When you have got it, flaunt it.

But will Lexus sell any? We have to see the full specs, but if it performs as intended, more than little rich sports-car freaks may possibly defect from German and Italian exotics. But as is with most two-seated supercars, selling out all 500 that will be built isn't the point:

The goal is to obtain Lexus lovers' hearts pumping and get them to see Lexus in a new way. The LFA will be hand-built, so whether Toyota can sell plenty or a few isn't a big issue. What is a big issue is that each one can see that everyone can see that Lexus can kick sand in the face of BMW and Mercedes Benz and play in the similar sandbox as Ferrari.

Mark Templin, Lexus division group vice president and general manager said” Only 500 will ever be built worldwide, and each will be assembled based on customer order, offering an once-in-a-lifetime chance to be part of a small, exclusive group of individuals.”

Let us see about the performance. The LFA is a rear-wheel drive sports car with a 4.8-liter V-10 that puts out 552 horsepower. The top speed of Lexus LFA is 202 miles per hour, with a six-speed gearbox along with paddle shifters.

The car is all about dazzling weight reduction and the lightweight aluminum alloy suspension components is been complemented by carbon ceramic brake discs. The body is carbon fiber reinforced polymer and it is going to be done in-house: Rather than outsource this sophisticated materials technology, the LFA team is developing its personal carbon-fiber processes for ultimate quality control and to make a sound engineering investment during the future.


Toyota became the massive hit of the Tokyo Motor Show yesterday with the debut of its $375,000 Lexus LFA supercar. The 747 freighter that will carry it to America is already warming up its engines.

Toyota plans to demonstrate the car at the SEMA aftermarket parts show in Las Vegas next month -- Drive On will also be there to bring you the blow-by-blow -- and the Los Angeles Auto Show in December. Whew! When you have got it, flaunt it.

But will Lexus sell any? We have to see the full specs, but if it performs as intended, more than little rich sports-car freaks may possibly defect from German and Italian exotics. But as is with most two-seated supercars, selling out all 500 that will be built isn't the point:

The goal is to obtain Lexus lovers' hearts pumping and get them to see Lexus in a new way. The LFA will be hand-built, so whether Toyota can sell plenty or a few isn't a big issue. What is a big issue is that each one can see that everyone can see that Lexus can kick sand in the face of BMW and Mercedes Benz and play in the similar sandbox as Ferrari.

Mark Templin, Lexus division group vice president and general manager said” Only 500 will ever be built worldwide, and each will be assembled based on customer order, offering an once-in-a-lifetime chance to be part of a small, exclusive group of individuals.”

Let us see about the performance. The LFA is a rear-wheel drive sports car with a 4.8-liter V-10 that puts out 552 horsepower. The top speed of Lexus LFA is 202 miles per hour, with a six-speed gearbox along with paddle shifters.

The car is all about dazzling weight reduction and the lightweight aluminum alloy suspension components is been complemented by carbon ceramic brake discs. The body is carbon fiber reinforced polymer and it is going to be done in-house: Rather than outsource this sophisticated materials technology, the LFA team is developing its personal carbon-fiber processes for ultimate quality control and to make a sound engineering investment during the future.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sales of branded new cars in Britain increased by more than 11 per cent last month, providing clean evidence of the motor industry's recovery from recession, new figures showed today.

There were 367,929 new car registrations in September 2009 which is 11.4 per cent more than the same month a year ago, as motorists sustained to take advantage of the scrappage scheme, in which they receive a £2,000 discount on vehicles more than 10 years old when they purchase a new model.

According to “The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders” (SMMT), today's figures showed the third monthly increase in a row after an increase of 6 per cent in August 2009 and 2.4 per cent in July 2009.

Chief executive Paul Everitt alleged: "Market conditions remain challenging with demand being underpinned by the extremely victorious scrappage incentive scheme.

"The extension of the scheme will help out to sustain demand throughout the latter part of this year and into 2010 and this will allow economic recovery to strengthen as well as safeguard valuable industrial capability."

September is a significant month for the car industry, with a new registration plate and sales worth more or less a fifth of the annual total.

Car transport
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) reported that, about 1.5 million new cars have been sold in the year to date, losing 15.5 per cent on the same period last year.

Sales of private cars drove last month's increase, whereas fleet and business sales were mutually down. Fleet sales were 13 per cent lower than a year ago also by 25 per cent in the year to date, whereas business sales were 11 per cent down on the month and 29 per cent on the year to date.

The top 10 best-selling models in the previous month were the Ford Fiesta (22,635 sales), Vauxhall Corsa (16,379 sales), Ford Focus (13,622 sales), Vauxhall Astra (13,190 sales), VW Golf (11,787 sales), Peugeot 207 (9,161 sales), Mini (8,634 sales), BMW 3 Series (7,465 sales), Toyota Yaris (6,896 sales) and BMW 1 Series (6,671 sales).

The Ford Fiesta is the top-selling car in the year to date with sales of 92,580, followed by the Focus (73,864 sales), Corsa (67,955 sales), Astra (49,242 sales) and Golf (43,611 sales).

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said the car scrappage scheme sustained to boost up the market. Modest growth of 2.5 per cent had been forecast for September; however the scrappage scheme has been credited with boosting sales in recent months.

According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) , the week's proclamation by Business Secretary Lord Mandelson of an extension toward the scrappage scheme from £300 million to £400 million was an "extremely important decision" that would give more consumers the chance to buy a new car.

The sales of private cars rise by 41.3 per cent last month also year-to-date volumes are now within 1.9 per cent of last year's level, said the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

Demand for little cars continued to grow, while alternatively fuelled vehicle registrations rose by 45 per cent in September 2009, due to new models.

Vehicle transport

The Ford Fiesta has been the top-selling model for 7 months in a row.

According to AA president Edmund King: "The boost up of new car sales is not just useful to the economy and employment but will also be a boost to the environment and road safety as the vast majority of cars bought beneath the scrappage scheme are cleaner, greener as well as safer than those they have replaced."

RAC motoring strategist Adrian Tink said: "Today's figures are a greeting sign for manufacturers as well as motorists alike. The scrappage scheme has clearly had some victory in driving sales and its extension will allow another 100,000 motorists the possibility to buy a cleaner, safer, more reliable car.

"Still, it remains to be seen how the industry will be impacted once the extension to the scheme ends, and as soon as VAT returns to 17.5 per cent in January."

Sales of branded new cars in Britain increased by more than 11 per cent last month, providing clean evidence of the motor industry's recovery from recession, new figures showed today.

There were 367,929 new car registrations in September 2009 which is 11.4 per cent more than the same month a year ago, as motorists sustained to take advantage of the scrappage scheme, in which they receive a £2,000 discount on vehicles more than 10 years old when they purchase a new model.

According to “The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders” (SMMT), today's figures showed the third monthly increase in a row after an increase of 6 per cent in August 2009 and 2.4 per cent in July 2009.

Chief executive Paul Everitt alleged: "Market conditions remain challenging with demand being underpinned by the extremely victorious scrappage incentive scheme.

"The extension of the scheme will help out to sustain demand throughout the latter part of this year and into 2010 and this will allow economic recovery to strengthen as well as safeguard valuable industrial capability."

September is a significant month for the car industry, with a new registration plate and sales worth more or less a fifth of the annual total.

Car transport
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) reported that, about 1.5 million new cars have been sold in the year to date, losing 15.5 per cent on the same period last year.

Sales of private cars drove last month's increase, whereas fleet and business sales were mutually down. Fleet sales were 13 per cent lower than a year ago also by 25 per cent in the year to date, whereas business sales were 11 per cent down on the month and 29 per cent on the year to date.

The top 10 best-selling models in the previous month were the Ford Fiesta (22,635 sales), Vauxhall Corsa (16,379 sales), Ford Focus (13,622 sales), Vauxhall Astra (13,190 sales), VW Golf (11,787 sales), Peugeot 207 (9,161 sales), Mini (8,634 sales), BMW 3 Series (7,465 sales), Toyota Yaris (6,896 sales) and BMW 1 Series (6,671 sales).

The Ford Fiesta is the top-selling car in the year to date with sales of 92,580, followed by the Focus (73,864 sales), Corsa (67,955 sales), Astra (49,242 sales) and Golf (43,611 sales).

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said the car scrappage scheme sustained to boost up the market. Modest growth of 2.5 per cent had been forecast for September; however the scrappage scheme has been credited with boosting sales in recent months.

According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) , the week's proclamation by Business Secretary Lord Mandelson of an extension toward the scrappage scheme from £300 million to £400 million was an "extremely important decision" that would give more consumers the chance to buy a new car.

The sales of private cars rise by 41.3 per cent last month also year-to-date volumes are now within 1.9 per cent of last year's level, said the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

Demand for little cars continued to grow, while alternatively fuelled vehicle registrations rose by 45 per cent in September 2009, due to new models.

Vehicle transport

The Ford Fiesta has been the top-selling model for 7 months in a row.

According to AA president Edmund King: "The boost up of new car sales is not just useful to the economy and employment but will also be a boost to the environment and road safety as the vast majority of cars bought beneath the scrappage scheme are cleaner, greener as well as safer than those they have replaced."

RAC motoring strategist Adrian Tink said: "Today's figures are a greeting sign for manufacturers as well as motorists alike. The scrappage scheme has clearly had some victory in driving sales and its extension will allow another 100,000 motorists the possibility to buy a cleaner, safer, more reliable car.

"Still, it remains to be seen how the industry will be impacted once the extension to the scheme ends, and as soon as VAT returns to 17.5 per cent in January."

by Marjorie, Social Media Manger for Cars for Keeps

It happens to the best of us. You notice one day that your steering wheel is sideways, even though you're driving straight. Then it occurs to you to let go of the wheel - just to see what happens - and before you know it, you're headed right into the ditch. Or left.

Some responsible car owners will take this as a sign that it's time for some maintenance, but the rest of us decide it's not a big enough problem to fix right away. Or ever. As with almost all car maintenance issues, the longer wheels are left misaligned, the more potential damage can be done.

While it's funny to think that if left on its own your car would do donuts indefinitely, there are some major side effects to driving without proper wheel alignment. These problems affect both the car and the driver.

1) Irregular tire wear. Tires are expensive. Why not make them last by allowing for even wear? Having wheels aligned correctly could give your tires up to twice the lifespan of those driven crooked.

2) Handling problems. Sure, a pull to the right can be handy for hands-free right turns. But the rest of the time, when you need to drive straight, constantly having to pull your car in the right direction can be tiresome and even dangerous.

3) A crooked steering wheel. This is probably the least important symptom of tire misalignment, but wouldn't it be nice if just ONE thing in your life was straight and just the way it should be?

Wheel misalignment is very common and can be caused from potholes or simply daily driving. Fortunately, it's also easy and relatively inexpensive to fix.

How inexpensive? Rob's running a special this month for FREE wheel alignment inspections (that's a $25 value), with 15% off all alignment services. Check out our Coupons page for more great repair deals to make sure you're in tip-top shape for winter.

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