Monday, October 5, 2009

The Art of Loving Your Car

by Robert, Cars for Keeps Mechanic

This weekend my wife and I both decided to wash our cars. Not just a little soap and water and call it a day, but to really pamper them. We started with a soapy water wash then dried with sheepskin towels. Cleaned the rims and shined the tires and then finished with a wax job. Both of our arms felt like rubber and that they may fall off!

However we were not done yet! The carpets needed to be vacuumed; the dash wiped down, the seats wiped off and all of the glass inside and out needed cleaning.

After we had gotten elbow-deep in cleaning, I started to wonder why we did this to ourselves? Because we really do love our cars! They take us places we need to be, and sometimes they take us places we've never been. Our car, next to our family, friends, pets, and co-workers, is a major part in our life and yours too. It’s been there through the hard times and the good times. Through snow, rain, super hot days at the beach or a fantastic day at the vineyard. It may have given us a few problems and needed to be brought in on a tow hook once (or more!) but we still love it.

The point is that if you truly, deep down in your heart, love your car, you will want to take care of it. We at Cars for Keeps really do love cars. We are actually car nuts, and if you want to talk with someone who will appreciate all the things you love about your car, we are here for you. We not only love our own cars, but yours too.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a practical Volvo, a rusty Ford Pickup, a shiny new BMW or a problem ridden Maserati. We want you to know that we love your car and want to keep it in top condition throughout its entire life expectancy (or longer!). We want you to experience what you car can be, and that’s a lifetime of service from ANY automobile. With a combination of maintenance and problem prevention, we've been able to help many of our clients extend the lives of their vehicles to 300,000 miles or more - at 300,000 miles of smooth running, who wouldn't love your car? We love cars for keeps, and we fix cars for keeps.

Until next time, Robert.

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