Friday, October 2, 2009

by: Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

Oct. 9, 2009

As an observer of human nature (as most women are), we notice personality types all the time. Consciously or unconsciously, we gather visual data about people so we know if we are in our safety/comfort zone with any person at any given time.

Now that I have covered the deep psychic stuff, let’s have some fun with it. Just remember, there are exceptions to every rule.

Mechanics with whom I have worked have a tendency to be introverts. They are much more comfortable with machines than they are with people. Every car they work on is a personal challenge. It does not seem to matter whether the job is large and complicated or small and simple. It is personal. It is what a blank canvas is to an artist. To be made into something beautiful. They are passionate about cars and how they can make each car run like a finely tuned instrument. They spend their lunch time watching “car things” on the computer and their weekends doing “car things”. They are always building. Always creating. Always solving. It is the epitome of the creative process in a most masculine way.

And who benefits from all this positive energy? Why, we women of course. Another perfect solution.

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