Friday, October 16, 2009

Colette Cooley, Office Manager at Cars For Keeps

You have been looking towards your vacation for months. The snow is huffing and puffing outside, but you are lost in your “dream”. You are at the point where you don’t think you can make it through another day at the office, so you think about your dream to get through the day. Your vacation. Your Nirvana. Your soul’s restoration. Then, finally, your dream has come true. You are actually living your dream vacation. And your car breaks.

I am not talking a broken fingernail here. The car is close to being terminal. Loud noises, smoke, not steering, barely starts, coughing, choking, jerking, seizure, ge-the-de-fibulator-quick, sick. So many thoughts go through your head in that first 10 seconds. I can’t go to the world’s largest mall this afternoon. What a disaster! I will not yell at the kids. I will not kick my husband. I will not stomp my feet in a pique of frustration.

I will call AAA. They come and get the car and tow it to the recommended automotive repair shop where you find out the car is not terminal after-all, and can be repaired and back on the road today. You suddenly have new names to add to your little black book under the heading of; Heroes Who Will Come To Save The Day. Your vacation is saved. Your mind is restored. You are back in your dream. You are on your way to the mall. AAAHH! Life is good.

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