Thursday, March 4, 2010

by Colette Cooley, Cars For Keeps Office Manager

It's Spring! At least, it feels like it is Spring. Our thoughts are turning to flowers in bloom, getting out the bicycles, walking around without ten pounds of boots on our feet, and putting the top down on the convertible. Oh, Joy! Can you feel you heart getting lighter and carefree?

We have Spring Fever here at Cars For Keeps too. One of the mechanics just came inside and told me I HAD to go out and stand in the sun for a few minutes - it actually feels warm. Ok, there are a few things we need to do to button up winter. Have our heating ducts cleaned, take that winter coat we have been wearing all winter to the cleaners, get the dog/cat you got for Christmas spade before she wanders around the neighborhood and comes back enceinte, and get the tires on your car aligned.

Come on, you know the only thing that blooms in the winter is the dreaded pothole, the snow covered curbs that you were sure were not there last summer, and those nasty ice ridges on the road that simply cannot be avoided. Let's give our bodies a break ladies. That shimmy and shake may feel good in the gym or on the dance floor, but in your car it could mean having to buy new tires if it goes on too long.

Who wants to spend their new summer clothes allowance on tires! Come on in to Cars For Keeps and we will "set your car straight" for you.

Happy spring from Cars for Keeps.



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