Saturday, February 20, 2010

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

At Cars For Keeps we will drive you home or to work, and come pick you up when your car is ready, at no charge.

As I was driving a customer to her work place, we were chatting about this and that when she suddenly changed the subject and said, “I can’t tell you what a relief it is to take my car in to Cars For Keeps to have it worked on and to know that it will be done right and at a fair price. It is so good not to have to drag my boyfriend or my father with me to make sure I don’t get cheated or talked into something that I don’t need”.

She went on to say that she knows nothing about cars, does not want to know anything about cars and has made a lifelong commitment to not having to learn about cars. Let’s face it ladies, most of us feel that way too. There are only three things that that are important to us about cars. What color is it, how do we feel when we are driving it, and is it safe.

We understand these concerns at Cars For Keeps and the guys here do not think they are frivolous or silly. They can’t do anything about the color or how you feel, but they have dedicated their working careers and themselves to making your car as safe as possible for you.

Come on in ladies where you are taken seriously and treated with respect.



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