Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Women’s Point of View: Cars vs. Computers

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

Here’s a thought. What has had the bigger impact for life on earth? Cars or Computers?

Mankind lived for thousands of years without either, and then within 125 years we have both. Which says a lot about our adaptability and survival.

I personally think cars have the bigger impact. It takes about 10 minutes to walk a mile. It takes about 60 seconds, or less, to drive a mile. Sitting down! Automobiles feed our egos, save us time and satisfy our need for speed. They transport the food that feeds the nation, the goods that keep us working and the toys that we play with. We have cars that entertain us with movies and music from all over the world. We can make and receive phone calls. We have cars that keep us from getting lost, unlock our doors and start our cars for us. We have cars that comfort us by locating and contacting us when we have an accident, sending help and keep us from panic by talking to us.

Sometimes our cars are the only place where we can be alone, free and in control. They keep us warm in the winter, cool in the summer and we can have the wind blowing through our hair. Someone, somewhere, will come up with something that will make us tan, give us a physical and cut and style our hair while we are driving. Our cars give us so much and all they ask for in return is a little gas, a little oil and a little regular maintenance.

We at Cars For Keeps can make that a fun and relaxing experience for you.

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