Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Women’s Point of View: Top Priority

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

I stopped at a garage sale the other night to look at a desk sitting by the curb. The lady who owned it and I started talking and she began telling me that they were downsizing into their summer cottage here in Grand Haven from their larger home in Lansing. We talked of the risks they were taking by leaving her successful real estate business and starting over in another town while her husband was still commuting to Lansing for his job. The challenges of starting her kids in a new school, of meeting new friends and finding new places for needed services was daunting and a bit overwhelming at times.

I gave her one of my business cards and told her of some of the services we offered at Cars For Keeps. She let out a breath of relief and said that one of the worst things to leave behind was their trusted garage mechanic. She was very grateful to find a maintenance and repair facility to go here in their new town. With her job as a real estate agent and her husband commuting long distances every day, the reliability of their cars have become extremely important. A top priority for her was solved by a chance meeting.

Out top priority at Cars For Keeps is our customers' welfare and confidence in us.

Incidentally, although I did not end up buying the desk, I did buy a beautiful vase from her, and we both met a new friend.



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