Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Woman’s Point of View: Helping Hands

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

It has suddenly dawned on us at Cars For Keeps that summer is coming to a close rather fast. We are all madly planning our vacations before we lose them to winter’s cold blast. How can normal, intelligent people lose track of time like that?

So, along with our normal, everyday multi-tasking, we are training each other to do the most essential tasks in our jobs. First and foremost is to meet our customer’s needs. And to make it look effortless, like we have been doing the other person’s job forever. Don’t ever let them see you sweat!

The big test will be when Dennis, our Service Manager, takes his vacation this first of September. It's going to be be a loooong week. But never fear; my stalwart and knowledgeable co-worker, Robert, will step into Dennis’ shoes that week as he has done before, and has always preformed his duties well and to our customer’s expectations.

Our accountant, David, is stepping up to cover technical record keeping, payroll and closing the days’ business. He went home today with his head spinning with too much information thrown at him from crash courses. He is a real trooper. There will be ‘cheat sheets’ allowed.

Our head mechanic, Michael, is also taking a well deserved few days off. The newbie mechanic, Leslie, is stepping up to the plate to make sure that each customer receives the same knowledgeable and professional work that is expected at Cars For Keeps.

As you read this blog today, I will be heading home from a leisurely and restful week in Macinaw, knowing that there have been helping hands on the job, and doing it well. Thank you guys.



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