Thursday, September 30, 2010

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2010 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2010 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2010 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2010 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2010 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Packaging tips for sending items through courier services
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 7:43 AMA reputed courier would ensure the safety of the item being sent. However you should not rely upon the delivery service alone. It is your responsibility to ensure proper packaging so that the parcel is protected against collision or physical impact. Consider certain packing tips in mind for a better delivery at the destination.
If you are sending some important business documents, use a heavy duty envelope to enclose the items. Choose an envelope which does not tear very easily. There are special envelopes with cardboard on one side instead of paper. There are also enveloped which has a cloth lining inside so that it would remain strong. On the other hand, if you are sending large business documents, never use the envelopes. Such documents should be sent through a sturdy poster tube. Such poster tubes are generally made of hardened cardboard or plastic for shield.
Sometimes delicate items are also sent via courier services. Since the nature of the materials inside is delicate, chances are there that the contents might get damaged during the transit. In such cases square boxes or corrugated boxes are perfect for securing the materials inside. You can also go for rated boxes which has a certified stamp on the bottom. This stamp would give an idea about the gross weight that can be carried in that particular box. Remember to buy package boxes that would be slightly larger than the parcel. Minimum one inch of space should be ideally kept around the item so that the impact of any collision would be reduced. Used boxes are also used for sending the packages through courier companies. But they should be in a good condition. You need to make sure that any labels or shipments markings should be removed from these boxes.
Appropriate insulation of the boxes is extremely important during packing. Materials like newspapers, bubble wraps can make excellent choices for insulation. For protecting the parcel from falling, you can use a heavy duty parcel tape. Make sure to mark the box as ‘fragile’ if the contents inside are easily breakable. The packages are exposed to weather conditions. Hence water proof packaging is recommended if the contents inside are prone to sogginess. Last but not the least; ensure that the address label is placed properly on the box. Paste a clear tape.
view this site : courier services, car transporter, motorcycle transport
Labels: paking tips for courier services
Packaging tips for sending items through courier services
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 7:43 AMA reputed courier would ensure the safety of the item being sent. However you should not rely upon the delivery service alone. It is your responsibility to ensure proper packaging so that the parcel is protected against collision or physical impact. Consider certain packing tips in mind for a better delivery at the destination.
If you are sending some important business documents, use a heavy duty envelope to enclose the items. Choose an envelope which does not tear very easily. There are special envelopes with cardboard on one side instead of paper. There are also enveloped which has a cloth lining inside so that it would remain strong. On the other hand, if you are sending large business documents, never use the envelopes. Such documents should be sent through a sturdy poster tube. Such poster tubes are generally made of hardened cardboard or plastic for shield.
Sometimes delicate items are also sent via courier services. Since the nature of the materials inside is delicate, chances are there that the contents might get damaged during the transit. In such cases square boxes or corrugated boxes are perfect for securing the materials inside. You can also go for rated boxes which has a certified stamp on the bottom. This stamp would give an idea about the gross weight that can be carried in that particular box. Remember to buy package boxes that would be slightly larger than the parcel. Minimum one inch of space should be ideally kept around the item so that the impact of any collision would be reduced. Used boxes are also used for sending the packages through courier companies. But they should be in a good condition. You need to make sure that any labels or shipments markings should be removed from these boxes.
Appropriate insulation of the boxes is extremely important during packing. Materials like newspapers, bubble wraps can make excellent choices for insulation. For protecting the parcel from falling, you can use a heavy duty parcel tape. Make sure to mark the box as ‘fragile’ if the contents inside are easily breakable. The packages are exposed to weather conditions. Hence water proof packaging is recommended if the contents inside are prone to sogginess. Last but not the least; ensure that the address label is placed properly on the box. Paste a clear tape.
view this site : courier services, car transporter, motorcycle transport
Labels: paking tips for courier services
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
by Marjorie S., Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager
Since tomorrow is the last day of our Summer Travel Story Contest (hint hint), I thought it would be appropriate to share one of my own stories of travel misadventure. Even thought I'm not eligible to win the sweet weekend getaway we're giving away (HINT HINT!)
When I was going to college in Washington State's Puget Sound, I would often drive out to Anacortes to catch a ferry out to the San Juan Islands, where my uncle lived (with his dog, in a mancave). It was a trip I made so often that I tended to put myself on autopilot. Sometimes I'd wake up two hours after leaving my apartment with absolutely no memory of the drive, parking my car, buying tickets or boarding the ferry.
As soon as summer break let out following my Sophomore year, I threw my clothes in my 1991 Mitsubishi pickup and headed out to the islands to spend some time oyster hunting on my uncle's boat. My (amazingly rust-free) little Mitsubishi had a tendency to use oil, so I took my brain off autopilot halfway there, added two quarts of oil, then put my brain back to sleep and continued on my way.
Just as I was pulling in to Anacortes, something under my hood started smoking. Shortly, smoke was pouring out from under my Mitsubishi's hood, the temperature gauge sank into the red and my gears started making horrible clunking noises as I shifted. Terrified, late for my ferry and on the brink of tears, I pulled into the nearest parking lot. Which just happened to be the parking lot of an AAA auto repair shop (no joke).
A friendly mechanic in dirty overalls came over and asked me what was wrong. Through my "why is this happening to me" breakdown, he discovered the truck used oil. He popped the hood, took one look at the oil spewed over all the components and kindly suggested that I may have left the oil cap off when I refilled.
Sure enough, the cap was off. It was perched neatly a few inches to the left, still waiting to be replaced.
Because no man likes to see a woman in distress, the mechanic cleaned off the components and refilled the tank with oil. He only let me pay him for the oil. Embarrassed and relieved, I headed back out to the ferry dock just in time for the last boarding call.
Only 28 more hours to submit your own story! (hint hint), I thought it would be appropriate to share one of my own stories of travel misadventures. Even though I'm not eligible to win the free weekend getaway (HINT HINT).
Monday, September 27, 2010
Labels: 1966 Lamborghini 400 GT
Labels: 1966 Lamborghini 350 GTS Spider
Labels: 1964 Lamborghini 350 GT

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV
Labels: 1963 Lamborghini 350 GTV

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain

HQ Lamborghini Auto Car : 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Woman’s Point of View: Car Brakes, Beauty and Functionality
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 11:04 AM
by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager
The other day I had new brakes put on my car. If you are anything like me the only thing you know about brakes is that you step on the little black pedal and the car stops. Also, if when stepping on the little black pedal you hear a teeth rattling squeal, you probably need new brakes. IMHO, that's more or less all you really need to know about the brakes on your car. The rest of it is what we keep our technicians around for!
Working at a car repair facility I get the opportunity to learn the finer points of car repair. When my brake discs came in, much to my surprise, they were gorgeous. They were the prettiest, shiny silver and had these swirly carvings on them. Being very interested in anything remotely, artistic, I asked why they were so pretty. I was told the swirls have a very practical reason for being there.
Over time, the swirls wear down with use of the brakes and when visually inspected lets you know when you may need new brakes in the near future. I also facetiously asked if they came in pink or lavender, only to be told that there are brake discs out there that are red and even blue, but for odd makes of cars only.
Is this the start of a new trend? Are manufacturers beginning to understand that women like pretty things? Even if they can’t be seen, it makes a woman feel good just knowing that her brakes are pretty and color coordinated to her personality.
Labels: woman's point of view
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
American Soldiers Train Iraqi Security Forces on Routine Auto Maintenance & Repair
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 8:07 AM
by Marjorie Steele, Social Media Marketing Manager
It's not very often I come across a story in the auto repair industry that is truly inspiring, but this story fits that bill.
According to the Army News Service, a handful of the 50,000 soldiers who remain in Iraq to assist in rebuilding the country are teaching valuable auto repair and maintenance skills to Iraqi Security Forces (ISF). The article cited Spc. Henry Moss and Spc. Edwin Perez, both mechanics with the 703rd BSB, who expressed the usefulness of this training. Both Moss and Perez have seen encouraging signs of ISF mechanics' improvement, a critical element in the future stability of Iraq.
Perez noted that vehicles in Iraq often need extra attention due to the country's extreme heat. According to Moss, a lack of regular preventative maintenance checks and services have been the number one cause of ISF vehicle breakdowns (sound familiar?) - until now, that is. With the help of auto technician-trained American Soldiers, Iraqi mechanics are quickly developing the skills to maintain their army vehicles and be more efficient with part replacement. Performing regular maintenance and service allows the ISF to maintain more reliable vehicles, making the country's infrastructure stronger and more secure.
According to Moss, Iraqi Army mechanics have improved their skills vastly since he began training with them.
"When we first got here, they would just replace any problematic (vehicle component)...Now, they are troubleshooting the equipment instead of spending thousands of dollars replacing it. Maintaining these skills is very important. If they don't have these skills, then they cannot defend against the people who are trying to attack them."
Thank you, troops!
Labels: preventative maintenance, US troops
Sunday, September 19, 2010
by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager
I stopped at a garage sale the other night to look at a desk sitting by the curb. The lady who owned it and I started talking and she began telling me that they were downsizing into their summer cottage here in Grand Haven from their larger home in Lansing. We talked of the risks they were taking by leaving her successful real estate business and starting over in another town while her husband was still commuting to Lansing for his job. The challenges of starting her kids in a new school, of meeting new friends and finding new places for needed services was daunting and a bit overwhelming at times.
I gave her one of my business cards and told her of some of the services we offered at Cars For Keeps. She let out a breath of relief and said that one of the worst things to leave behind was their trusted garage mechanic. She was very grateful to find a maintenance and repair facility to go here in their new town. With her job as a real estate agent and her husband commuting long distances every day, the reliability of their cars have become extremely important. A top priority for her was solved by a chance meeting.
Out top priority at Cars For Keeps is our customers' welfare and confidence in us.
Incidentally, although I did not end up buying the desk, I did buy a beautiful vase from her, and we both met a new friend.
Monday, September 13, 2010
by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager
Our Service Manager, Dennis, is on vacation this week so I am spending more time on the front counter waiting on and talking to our customers. I am enjoying it very much and have missed it since I am usually at my little cubicle talking to the computer, saying things like “No! I didn’t mean to do that” or “Yes! I can’t believe the figures match”. You get the drift.
Anyway, talking to people has gotten me in touch with their questions and feelings about what is needed to better serve our customers. Many of their questions are about what services we offer.
So, for the record, we do all repair and maintenance required on every make of car. We do not do body work, but usually if body work is needed, so is repair. We work closely with two body shops to co-ordinate repairs in the shortest time possible.
Mike, our head mechanic, has the conservationist's philosophy of saving every car, one car at a time. Another goal of ours is to provide our customers with a clean and comfortable environment when they come in. Let’s face it, waiting for your car to be serviced is not real high on anyone’s list of things to do, but we try to make this a little easier on our customers by keeping the shop spotless. Even the garage does not escape routine cleaning and freshening.
As I write this our fearless leader, Rob, is power washing and repainting the garage floor. A clean and organized work area helps to keep our mechanics happy, and when our mechanics are happy, everybody is happy.
So why not bring your happy little self down to look us over and get to know us and discover the quality service that we give to you and your car.
Labels: car delivery
Labels: car delivery
Things to know before starting a courier service business
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 1:18 PMLabels: courier business service
Things to know before starting a courier service business
0 comments Posted by car manual and matic at 1:18 PMLabels: courier business service
view this site : courier services, car transporter, motorcycle transport
Labels: ferrari
view this site : courier services, car transporter, motorcycle transport
Labels: ferrari
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labels: 2011 Peugeot

Labels: 2011 Peugeot