Saturday, April 24, 2010

What Women Really Want

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

Listen up guys. This is one answer to the mystery every man is confronted with all the married days of his life. Women want perfection. In everything we do and in everything we are. We want the perfect man, (be honest ladies, haven’t you ever wished you could build your own?), we want the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect job, the perfect body, hair, skin, teeth, etc. etc. etc. Every time we go shopping we look for the perfect gift, the perfect sweater, the perfect car. It just has to “feel” right.

I am convinced that we women have an extra gene in us that makes us crave perfection. We are always looking for a perfect world while we live in an imperfect world.

Take heart ladies. There are islands of perfection that we find all the time. The biggies are being in love and hugging our kids. Lesser, but by no means inferior, are friends you can count on, waking up without “bed-head”, and compliments from a stranger.

All of us at Cars For Keeps endeavor to create a small island of perfection for women. When you walk in the door you feel welcome as a friend. You will be treated with respect for your intelligence. Kindness, humor and honesty will be applied to meet your needs. We women want our car to be fixed and ready for us when promised, so we can get on with the pursuit of our next “perfection”. Go Girl!



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