Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Do You Look for In An Auto Repair Shop?

by Marjorie, Social Media Manager

Here at the shop lately, we've been brainstorming ways to keep our customers happy (and get more of them, of course!). In the process, it's occurred to us that our customers aren't always predictable! What we feel is most important in quality auto repair service isn't always the same as what you - the West Michigan driver - feel is most important.

Educating our customers is an important part of our business, because we want you to feel that you KNOW what your car needs and what work is being done on it. In the spirit of a well-rounded education, we recognize that we could stand to learn more about our customers! This weekend we'll be launching a giveaway (with a juicy prize) that will help us answer some of these questions, but in the meantime we figured it wouldn't hurt to open up the discussion here.

To provide better service, we'd like to get into the heads of car owners and find out what's most important to them when it comes to auto repair. For example:

What do you look for in an auto repair shop?

How do you, your friends or your family choose a new mechanic?

What unpleasant experiences have you had in repair shops that you'd like to avoid?

So if you have any thoughts, go ahead and pitch in! Tell us what makes you keep coming back to your favorite auto repair garage or mechanic - or what makes you run. We appreciate any feedback you have to help us provide you with better service.

Don't forget to stay tuned for our giveaway later this week!

Safe driving...



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