Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Women’s Point of View: Shoes for Cars

by Colette Cooley, Cars For Keeps Office Manager

We finally had our first snowfall. How do you all feel about that? I will remain (yuck) neutral (ugh) about the subject. Anyway, one of the special things we all get to think about in the winter is, “How are the tires on my car?”

Now if you spent last summer “sandblasting” on the beach and did not get stuck, sunk or shucked*, you are probably okay for the snow this winter. However, most of us in the real world consider carefully our high expectations of safety and comfort and dependability for our cars in dangerous driving conditions. Tires. There are three facts that we can’t escape. Every car has to have them. They are not cheap. And, very few of us know which ones to get for our car. At Cars For Keeps you can be sure of three things.

Every car has to have tires. Dennis, our service manager, will get the best price that he can find for you. Yes, he price shops. And, he is knowledgeable about which tires are best for your car. Your safety is our main concern. Have you ever wondered why tires are always black?

Let us look at this area of concern for women by comparing tires to shoes. Are they always dressed for dinner? Black is beautiful, but sometimes you just need pink. Wouldn’t red and white strips be eye-catching? Or perhaps purple polka dots on a yellow background? Or…............. Neon!

*Shucked is the term used when you get your car stuck up to it’s (ummm)……trunk, and the tires are spinning out of control, and you had to crawl out the window because the door won’t open and it is sinking like a stone in quicksand and you are standing beside the car saying, “Aw, Shucks”.

Thanks, Colette. I enjoyed my 30 mile commute in the blizzard belt as well. It wasn't as much "fun" (no white knuckles) because I had snow tires. Stay warm, everybody!

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