Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tires: What's In a Brand Name?

by Dennis, Cars for Keeps Customer Service Manager

Hi everyone,

I thought given the current weather condition, that tires would be a good subject to discuss.

So about the title, sound sort of silly? Not when you know the full details. So a friend of mine calls me and says hey my wife was at Sam Mart Club ( the names have been changed to protect the innocent) and they had a Michelin tire sale, buy 4 tires for $300.00. I said, "Wow! that sounds like a great price, but what are you looking for?" Michelin tires for a cheap price or good Michelin tires at the right price? He said What’s the difference? Which maybe what some of you are asking.

Here’s the difference…. It is true that Michelin or other big brand name tire manufactures make all different types (and quality) of tires. But just because that brand name is on the side doesn’t make it a great tire. Store brand tires are made to meet a certain price standard. The tires you buy at garages like Cars for Keeps are made to meet a quality standard.

So if price is the only issue then we can get tires that match that. If quality and a fair price is more for you, then we can differently solve that issue.

Anyway enough from me, I hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday season.

Your friendly neighborhood service manager,




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