Friday, October 22, 2010

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

Halloween is fast approaching. The time of year when children (and some adults) get to live out their fantasies of who they would like to be for just a few hours. Extraordinary preparations are being made this year it seems. My granddaughter has been growing her bangs since summer to match the character she is going to portray. Teenagers are sporting orange and bright pink hair with spikes, and artistically shaven heads are becoming popular. Strange costumes have been showing up around Cars For Keeps.

Yes, even adults believe in the magic that lies in our imaginations. As part of the preparation for this night let us not forget about our cars. Because of all the little goblins, fairys and air-benders dashing around the streets and neighborhoods, brakes and headlights should be in top working order. When was the last time you had your brakes checked?

How about decorating your car to compliment the character that your children are portraying? Goth seems to be big this year. A spray can of cobwebs in strategic places on the outside of your car can set the mood for all to see, and of course, the standard skull attached to your antennae or dangling from your grill is a must. Get the ones that glows in the dark. Very chic.

It is the little things that are most often forgotten, so just as a reminder, fill the gas tank.

Happy Halloween!



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