Friday, June 25, 2010

A Women’s Point of View: The Latest Trend

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

Have you noticed, as you drive around in your dream car, how many vehicles have advertising on them? I am not talking about the big, commercial trucks. No, I mean your every day, ordinary pickups and passenger vehicles.

With a difficult economy comes creative ideas for new start-up businesses from average Joes and Joesettes. What heroes! Like cream rising to the top. It is the best of American Ingenuity, and we at Cars For Keep, salute you.

Anyway, back to this new trend of putting advertising on your car so the whole world can see who you are and what you do. It runs the gamut from a discreet company name and phone number on the door, on up to a complete “Wrap” of the car from bumper to bumper. It’s almost as good as watching television. I saw one the other day advertising ‘wings to go’ with a picture of a chicken strapped into a carseat with a look of panic on it’s face, wildly flapping it’s wings. There are some larger companies that will give anyone a car to use for free, that is completely wrapped with advertising. All you have to do is pay for the insurance and prove that you have had regular maintenance done.

Aaahhh yes, regular maintenance. It can mean the difference between a well running car with a long life and a car that always has problems and dies before the last payment is made. All companies that deal with cars, from fleet cars for private companies to professional car rental companies know the critical importance of regular maintenance. Cars For Keeps is always ready to help you with regular car maintenance.



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