Friday, May 21, 2010

A Women’s Point of View: Remember When…..

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager

I was listening to a song on the radio while driving the other day that started me thinking about how life was when I was growing up. Sometimes it restores the soul to visit our childhood.

Remember when the only lock in your house was a hook and eye on the screen door? Or, when a cup of coffee cost 10 cents? Or, when everyone paid their bills with cash? Remember Roy Rogers, Gene Autrey and Hopalong Cassidy? Do you remember what life was like before television, and then TV came along and a little puppet called Howdy Dowdy had everyone enthralled? How about all those summers we endured without air conditioning? And, living a full life, somehow, without computers.

Little did we know that having to learn how to type would become such a necessity in all our lives. Remember Superman comic books, fresh farm grown food on the table every night and being called home for the night by a yell or a whistle? Or, having only one phone in the house and pulling it into the closet for a private conversation with your friends? Remember having to actually do hard work for that 25 cent a week allowance? A penny from the Tooth Fairy? Swimming in a lake with fish, ducks and an occasional snake? Newspapers without inserts?

Remember being able to change the oil and doing repairs on your car yourself?

For most of us those days are long gone and we have wonderful places like Cars For Keeps to keep our cars running smoothly. Stop in for a Pit Stop Inspection for free, just like service stations used to do for you way back when service was still important.

What is your favorite modern convenience?



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