Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Driving along

Always be aware of traffic around you as you drive. Develop a routine for looking ahead, behind and from side to side. Check your mirrors every five seconds or so, and check your blind spots by turning your head to look over your shoulder. Keep other drivers out of your blind spot by changing your speed and don’t drive in other vehicles’ blind spots. This is especially true when driving around large commercial vehicles as they typically have large blind spots to the sides and back. Be extra careful at dusk and dawn when everyone has difficulty adjusting to the changing light.

Keep a cushion of space around your vehicle and be prepared for the unexpected. Anticipate other drivers’ movements and make allowances for every possible error. Look well ahead and watch for people in parked vehicles — they may be about to pull out in front of you or to open a door. Watch for smaller vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.



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